Expert Support

Need help getting the most out of your impact potential?

Our team of experienced impact professionals can help with any challenge. Whether you need help with your approach or are struggling to define the right indicators, we can provide expert support from our team of Economists, Evaluators, and Technologists.

Get support from our Impact Professionals.
Are your impact metrics working for you?
Working on big social challenges is really difficult and the landscape is always changing. Often the metrics you need over the next 6 months are not easy to see when setting up your evaluation framework. Our team has over 30 years of experience in large number of industries and countries. No question is too large or too small, and you can reach out at any time.
How can we help you succeed?
Experience in a wide range of countries and industries
Expanding into a new country or funding projects overseas? Our team can help provide guidance on different local challenges, and connect you with contacts that might be able to help.
Can't find the right indicators
Our team can organise a call to quickly understand the environment you are operating and what you are trying to achieve. We can then help define the right indicators or point you in the direction of great predefined indicators.
Need an independant audit or evaluation
We are working with projects and impact investors to provide external impact audits for shareholder or donor reporting. This is a great way to promote your social credentials from an independant organisation.
Discover how Torch can help your team drive greater impact today.