Impact Results

Store all of your results in one place.

Your performance management framework is developed from your program logic or theory of change. It will enable you to develop a plan for monitoring and evaluating the performance of your programme. By giving your whole team access to view your impact results, you can improve the time it takes to generate reports and also improves stakeholder engagement.

Store impact metrics and measure against periodic targets.
Set targets and record results
To truely understand your impact and drive lasting change teams need to understand where they are trying to get to, and how far they have come. Torch helps teams set targets for each indicator and then periodically record results in total and by relevant disaggregations to ensure you are impacting your intended stakeholders.
How do you measure success?
Setup disaggergations to see the full picture
Torch makes it easy to record and filter results based on any disaggregations. Whether they are gender, location, or economic disaggregations Torches powerful disaggregation system can help.
Built-in certification system
Whether your results are recorded in the field or via our automated data capture system they will not be included in reporting without being certified. This ensures that a quality assurance step is completed before any results are treated as accurate. Torch makes this process quick and easy with our certification system.
Find missing results or pending certification
Torch provides simple tools to manage the administration of your teams results capture process. Ensure all results and recorded accurately and on time with Torches reports.
Discover how Torch can help your team drive greater impact today.