Real-time Collaboration

Want to collaborate more effectively across your team?

Our web based platform allows teams to collaborate on the same Theory of Change at the same time. Changes made by other team members will appear automatically for everyone to see. This provides a single source of truth for your Theory of Change, Indicators and Results.

Collaborate with colleagues in real time.
Online Strategy Workshops
Over the last 2 years with travel restrictions and outbreaks taking center stage, it has been increasingly challenging to engage large groups of people in workshops when developing team strategies. Torch provides teams with a central location to collaborate on their approach in real time. Whether it is mapping out the strategy, or designing indicators and settings targets, everything is at your teams fingertips no matter where you are in the world.
Do you have a distributed team?
Access from anywhere you have internet access
Our online platform is designed for low bandwidth locations and is accessible anywhere an internet connection can be reached.
Real-time changes
All changes will instantly be able to be seen by your whole team. Never ask for the latest version of your Theory of Change, or latest results for an indicator again.
View dashboards and results as soon as results are certified
As results are certified they will instantly be accessible via Impact Insights. There is no need to wait for your results to be synced to your data warehouse for dashboard reporting, build any impact reports directly within Torch.
Discover how Torch can help your team drive greater impact today.